Welcome on the ARDyT website
ANR ARDyT project short summary:
ARDyT research project focuses on the study, evaluation and hardware prototyping of a fault tolerant and self-adaptable dynamically reconfigurable embedded architecture with specific support mechanisms for the management of reliability. A programming environment and management methodologies for diagnosis, testability and reliability will be developed for the architecture. Applications of this architecture include aeronautics, military, automotive or confined control in harsh environments (cosmic radiation, ionizing, electromagnetic noise) and with high fault-tolerance requirements.
ARDyT project general organization:
- The first axis is the study and implementation of the reconfigurable hardware with integrated resources for improving testability and physical diagnosis of the circuit;
- The second axis concerns the definition and development of a set of design tools for synthesis, placement and routing dedicated to the proposed architecture;
- The third axis concerns the definition of test and tolerance methodologies adapted to dynamic architectures and using the intrinsic properties of the proposed platform.
Link to a more complete description of the project
- IETR laboratory (SCN research group, project leader) in Nantes (University Nantes, University Rennes 1, CNRS)
- IRISA laboratory (CAIRN research group) in Lannion (University Rennes 1, CNRS, INRIA )
Lab-STICC laboratory (MOCS research group) in Brest (UBO , CNRS, ENSTA-Bretagne)
- IJL laboratory (N2NV/MAE research group) in Nancy (Université de Lorraine, CNRS)
- ATMEL in Nantes
ANR ARDyT project is also supported by two French Clusters (pôles de compétitivité in French): Images & Réseaux and ID4CAR
Contact (project leader)
Sébastien Pillement
email: Sebastien.Pillement @ univ-nantes.fr
surface mail: IETR. PolyTech'Nantes. Site de la Chantrerie. Rue Christian Pauc, BP 50609. 44306 Nantes cedex - FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)2 40 68 30 64
ARDyT identification: ANR-11-INSE-15