Academic and Industrial Partners
- IETR laboratory is a joint research unit from University Nantes, University Rennes 1, CNRS in Nantes
- People involved in ARDyT are members of the SCN research group from IETR
- Project member: Sébastien Pillement (project leader)
- Skills: hardware design of reconfigurable architectures
- IRISA laboratory is a joint research unit from University Rennes 1, CNRS and INRIA in Lannion
- People involved in ARDyT are members of the CAIRN research group from IRISA
- Project members: Arnaud Tisserand (partner leader), Pierre Guilloux
- PhD student and Post-doc recruited for the project: Chagun Basha Ahmed Basheer (in delegation at IETR Nantes)
- Former members: Thomas Chabrier (Post-doc 2013.07-2014-04)
- Skills: hardware design, arithmetic for reliability
Lab-STICC laboratory is a CNRS joint research (UMR 6285) in Brest
People involved in ARDyT are members of the MOCS research group from Lab-STICC (from UBO and ENSTA-Bretagne)
- Project members: Loïc Lagadec (partner leader), Erwan Fabiani
- Engineer recruited for the project: Boutheina Maaloul
- Skills: software engineering and compilation tools flow design
- IJL, Département 4 - Nanomatériaux, Électronique et Vivant (N2EV), Équipe Mesure et Architecture Électronique - MAE 406 laboratory is a research unit of Université de Lorraine
- Project members: Stanislaw Piestrak (partner leader), Serge Weber, Hassan Rabah, Yves Berviller
- Post-doc recruited for the project: Piotr Patronik, Nicolas Marques
- Skills: design of fault-tolerant computing systems and reconfigurable architectures
- ATMEL Aerospace business unit, located in Nantes, France, is a leader in RHBD VLSI solutions for space highly integrated radiation hardened systems. Its portfolio of space products encompasses, but is not limited to, Memories (SRAM, FIFO, DPRAM and EEPROM), ASICs (0.5µm, 0.35µm, 0.18µm, 0.15µm and 65ηm technologies), SEU hardened SRAM based reprogrammable FPGAs, powerful SPARC processors and DSP. Atmel is complying or certified to ESCC, QML and ISO/TS quality standards.
- Skills: FPGA fonder and reliable architecture design
Financial Support
ANR (the French National Research Agency)

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05/10/2016 09:54